AFFIRM THIS CORE PRINCIPLE: The peoples of the Philippine Islands, the Marshalls, the Carolines, the Marianas, etc. are under a burgeoning threat of severe weather, rising tides, and rising mean global sea level.

Pope Francis has said that to ignore this risk is a moral wrong.


By signing this petition you join in demanding that Washington decision-makers direct federal policies and resources to address the life and death challenges of climate-change driven sea level rise in island territories, nations, and other highly vulnerable regions of the world.

Yes, we have an obligation to keep in mind the well-being of all citizens of the planet.  But a special bond exists between us and the people of former commonwealths and protectorates such as the people of the Philippine Islands, the Marshall Islands, the Caroline Islands, the Marianas Islands, the Yap Islands, Palau, etc.  They have a unique historic relationship with the United States of America. Our national security has been intertwined as well as our cultures. Existing territories like the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc. have an even stronger claim for protection.


Of all the subjects debated in Washington, climate change is the ultimate existential question facing humankind. As Pope Francis has suggested, it is unacceptable to decide this one on politics.  Both Republicans & Democrats have stepped forward to embrace this challenge, but more are needed.  Please sign this petition to help send a BIPARTISAN message indicating you know there is a moral imperative to protect the planet for all and to give special attention to Earth's most vulnerable people.       











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